Opulent Spring Bloom Queen

The beauty of spring is enriched with these big, beautiful flowers.
Professional designers will often find a spot for the Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum opulus) in almost any landscape they work on. This large shrub has many points of interest. Beginning with the white ball-type flowers up to 5 inches across. Flowering so thickly, the plant will look like a late spring snow bank.
The foliage of the Snowball Bush offers good textural interest.
All plants are attractive in flower, but those that have outstanding leaves can heighten the any landscape design. The foliage of this Viburnum resembles three-lobed maple leaves. The coloring will be rich, attractive green over the summer months. As cooler weather arrives in fall, each leaf will turn to sun kissed gold.
For a long-lived shrub where height is needed, this is an excellent plant.
The Chinese Snowball Bush is not only attractive; you will find it very easy to grow. This Viburnum will adapt to a wide variety of soils and growing conditions. These shrubs are quite drought tolerant once established and mature to 8-10 feet tall and wide. You will get the best flowering results when planting this bush in full sun, though it tolerates quite a bit of shade. Viburnums grown in a mostly shady situation will not flower at all.
The Snowball Viburnum works well with many other plants in your landscaping.
To establish a really dazzling early season display, you can pair this beautiful shrub up with almost any other same time bloomer. Consider creating a planting that also features Encore Azaleas and some low growing purple leaved shrubs such as Crimson Pygmy Barberry. To really heighten the beauty of such a landscape planting, add a few perennials to extend the beauty through the season.
You will love the changing beauty of this deciduous shrub in your yard.
The hummingbirds will be most delighted with your choice in plants and feed on the blossoms. Once spent, the flowers of Snowball Bush produce brilliant red berries as a bonus color point. Birds are attracted to the berries as a source of food.
It’s hard to find a landscape plant with so many benefits to offer your yard.
Now you can easily understand why a professional designer will seek out the right spot to include this shrub in almost every yard. The Snowball Viburnum is wonderful as a tall specimen plant or planted as a hedge. It grows rapidly and will fill to offer warm season privacy where it many be needed.
Labels: chinese snowball bush, snowball bush, viburnum
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