What will they do next with Knock Out Roses?

Not all roses are created equal.
If you have shied away from plating roses in your yard because they require so much coddling, we don’t blame you a bit. Who has time for all that tedious, finicky behavior? Everyone loves roses as a flower but most refuse to be a slave to their plants. Just as with anything else, if you wait a while, a vast improved specimen will come along and change everything.
They named it Knockout for a lot of good reasons.
All roses are beautiful. As performers in your yard the majority tend to fall short of low maintenance. Many rose bushes only flower once a year. Shrub roses are your best bet for low maintenance and reblooming beauty. While there are some great landscape roses available, none of them holds a candle to the Knockout Rose.
Excellent disease resistance makes this one brainy plant.
All shrub or landscape roses are disease resistant, but resistant and excellent resistance is two different things. Knock Out Rose also have exceptionally large flowers for the shrub rose family with showy clusters of blooms opening repeatedly from early summer right through to hard frost. The individual blooms on Pink Double Knock Out Rose measure 3.5”-4” across and lightly fragrant with an expected rosy aroma.
Maintains great shape with only a minimal clipping.
Knockout Roses are naturally a compact and tidy flowering shrub with the blooms forming on new growth at the tips of the stems. Knockouts grow to 3’-4’ high and wide and will flower at maximum proportions in full, hot sun. You can grow your Red Double Knockout Rose in part sun, but bear in mind that you will have less flowers. Roses should always be planted with good drainage to prevent root rot from waterlogged soils.