Evergreens for Year Round Color

When you hear the word "evergreen", you may think of boring green shrubs with no personality. But planting an evergreen landscape does not have to mean a lifetime of ordinary green foliage. There are dozens of bright, colorful selections to choose from. And there is an evergreen option for any area, regardless of the location or purpose of the planting.
Flowering shrubs are probably the best example of how you can plant a yard full of evergreens and simultaneously have the prettiest, most inviting landscape in town. Plant an assortment of encore azaleas, rhododendron, and camellia and you'll have a yard bursting with blooms of every color. Best of all, as evergreens, they will still be lush and green even in the coldest months of the year.
If a flowery landscape isn't quite what you're going for, but you're still looking for a burst of color, choose an evergreen with some punchy fall color, like the Loropetalum or Nandina. These gorgeous shrubs turn all different shades of red and purple during the fall season.
And for those out there that would really prefer a simple landscape with some basic evergreens, then juniper, boxwood, and yew will always be classic selections.